B.S. in Electrical Engineering with:
Secure Smart Systems Concentration
The Secure Smart Systems Concentration prepares students to engage in the new revolution in smart systems, system security and embedded systems. Areas of studies include cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, machine learning, Internet of Things, human-computer interface, cybersecurity and control systems. Students will be prepared to design, innovate, and evaluate the emerging smart systems from smart refrigerator, to smart home, to smart car, to smart city, to smart grid, to smart manufacturing, taking into consideration the important aspects of systems security. Smart systems incorporate functions of sensing, actuation, and control in order to describe and analyze an integrated system, and make decisions based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner, thereby performing smart actions. In most cases the “smartness” of the system can be attributed to autonomous operation based on closed loop control, energy efficiency, and networking capabilities. Learning capabilities is one of the main attributes of these systems. As the expansion of smart technologies continues — and as security challenges arise as a result of that expansion — employment opportunities for graduates in this field are increasing as well.
Visit the electrical engineering departmental website for more information about this program.