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Flood Forecasting Prototype Earns a 2020 Government Innovation Award

A flood forecasting prototype to help people and communities become more resilient during flooding events has earned a 2020 Government Innovation Award. UL Lafayette and tech company CGI developed the prototype. It discovers and curates large amounts of data that is integrated and interpreted with artificial intelligence.

Dr. Emad Habib, a UL Lafayette professor of civil engineering who directs the University’s Louisiana Watershed Flood Center, is leading the ongoing project. It implements a data mining prototype to discover and curate large amounts of data.

Researchers from the Department of Civil Engineering, Louisiana Watershed Flood Center, Institute for Coastal and Water Research, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are contributing to the project.

It is sponsored by CGI through the National Science Foundation Center for Visual and Decision Informatics at UL Lafayette. CVDI is the only NSF center in the nation that focuses on data science, big data analytics and visual analytics.

For the full story, please visit UL Lafayette's website.