E. Raymond Desormeaux Endowed Civil Engineering Scholarship
E. Raymond DesOrmeaux's distinguished career began at UL Lafayette. He was active in the field of engineering, serving as a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Region 5 ASCE, National Society of Professional Engineers, Louisiana Engineering Society, American Concrete Institute, Tau Beta PI and Chi Epsilon. Desormeaux won several awards for his work in the community including the Practitioner Advisor of the Year Award for Region 5 of the ASCE, the LA Young Engineer of the Year Award, Distinguished Alumni and Outstanding Catholic Student Award from ULL, and the Junior Achiever of the Year Award from Junior Achievement of New Orleans. He served as President of E.R. Desormeaux, Inc and lectures as an Adjunct Instructor of Civil Engineering at UL Lafayette.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a junior or senior
- Must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
- Preference is given to the President of the student chapter of ASCE