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E. Raymond “Ray” DesOrmeaux

B.S. Civil Engineering – 1963

Founder and CEO, E.R. DesOrmeaux, Inc.

Ray’s successful career began with Domingue, Szabo & Associates, one of Lafayette’s premier engineering firms. He then founded E.R. DesOrmeaux, Inc., General Contractor in 1972, serving as engineer, developer, and contractor on numerous residential and commercial projects. Ray served as a special consultant to the City of Lafayette assisting with the opening of the Cajundome in 1985. He also conducted forensic investigations and feasibility studies for Lafayette Consolidated Government.

In 2005, Ray became an adjunct instructor for UL Lafayette’s College of Engineering. After retiring in 2014, he became an assistant professor for civil engineering and architecture and design. He served as the chair for both the Dean’s Engineering Advisory Council and Civil Engineering Advisory Board. In 2016, Ray received the Engineering Faculty Professionalism Award for his dedication to students.
He was a Fellow and Life Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, Louisiana Engineering Society, American Concrete Institute, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society and Chi Epsilon. Ray was a national board member of the American Society of Concrete Constructors and member of the American Institute of Constructors. He wrote several articles for the Louisiana Civil Engineering Journal and was a contributor to the ASCE Post Disaster Assessment Manual.

Ray’s civic and community involvement included leadership positions with the UL Lafayette Alumni Association and Foundation Board of Trustees, Lafayette Economic Development Authority, Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana, Lafayette Toastmasters Club, Acadiana Arts Council, Ducks Unlimited, St. Pius X Church Council, and Krewe of Troubadours. Ray received numerous honors including the UL Lafayette Outstanding Alumni Award, Louisiana Engineering Society Young Engineer of the Year, and ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineer and Wall of Fame honoree.