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Bryant L. Chapman, P.E.

BS Chemical Engineering – 1982

Vice President, Engineering, Global Operations – British Petroleum (BP)
President, CEO and Founder – Amistad Energy Partners, LLC 

A native of Delcambre, LA, Bryant is a recognized oil and gas executive with 30+ years of experience. He began his career with Amoco in Lafayette as a production engineer and retired from BP in 2014 as Vice President Engineering, Global Operations. Bryant held numerous executive roles throughout his career and has lived in Lafayette, New Orleans, Houston, Aberdeen Scotland and Cairo, Egypt. He has had executive training at Stanford, MIT and Thunderbird. After retiring, Bryant founded Amistad Energy Partners in 2015, a startup independent oil and gas company, backed by $150 million of private equity funding. He also helped to start a production chemical company and currently serves on its board. He is a registered PE in the state of Louisiana in Petroleum Engineering.

Bryant is an Eagle Scout and past Board member for the Sam Houston Area Council. He has many hobbies, including skiing, golf, music, hunting and is an instrument rated pilot. He also is active in his church.